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Your Minor. Your Experiences.


For the Minor in Entrepreneurship and innovation, in addition to the fifteen (15) credit hours, students also need to complete two (2) experiences. Entrepreneurship & Innovation (E&I) Experiences are entrepreneurial projects that offer hands-on learning. 

A few things to note:


  • Each experience is run through a course that the student is currently enrolled in. The instructor of that course oversees and signs off on the work.

  • Students need to complete two (2) experiences in two (2) different courses, overseen by two (2) different instructors.

  • At least one (1) experience must be in a course not counted toward the Minor.

  • You cannot do the same experience twice.

As you explore your E&I Experiences options below, please ensure you complete steps 1–6 on this page.


Participate in 2DAY VENTURE​

2DV is an event held twice a semester where students work in teams to explore turning an idea into reality. Students do not need to have their own idea to participate. 

Learn More

Complete the Discovery Program​

Embark on exploring an idea through the Burgess Institute’s Discovery Program.

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Participate in SpartaHack​

SpartaHack is MSU's official student-run invention marathon or hackathon. It's 24 hours of learning, building, and networking.

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Participate in a Collegiate Level​ Pitch Competition

Apply for Burgess New Venture Challenge or another Collegiate Level Pitch Competition.

Learn More

Complete the Ethics & Entrepreneurship Program​

Students interested in the intersection of ethics and entrepreneurship can complete a program on D2L.

Learn More

Complete the​ Build Your Brand Program

Students interested in building their own brand can complete a self-paced program.

Learn More


Now that you have identified the experience you want to pursue, click below to record your E&I Experience. Please note: You will need to fill out this form twice (once for each experience).

Record Now

STEP 4: Obtain Instructor Approval

Experiences are overseen by an instructor of a course a student is currently enrolled in, because they end up on a student's transcript. The student should take a template above to an instructor of one of their current courses to gain verbal approval that the instructor is willing to oversee the experience.

STEP 5: Complete Online Form

Once instructor approval is obtained, a student needs to fill out a Student-Instructor Form via the path below:

  • Go to the Registrar's Office website:
  • Click on Student Resources —> Forms —> Student-Instructor Forms.
  • Look for the form: Application for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option

  • You may copy and paste the template from Step 2 into this form

  • Once a student completes the online form, it will be automatically routed to the course instructor for approval.

STEP 6: Do the Work!

Students do the work to complete the experience. When the work is finished, students complete the evaluation criteria (see the template for details) and turn it in to the professor overseeing the experience by the due date specified on the template.

NOTE: After an instructor submits final grades for the course, they will be prompted via email to fill out an Administrative Action Form for the experience. At the end of the semester, students will want to follow up with them to ensure they completed this. If they have not, they can fill out the form via:

—> Faculty & Staff

—> Faculty & Staff Systems Menu

—> Administrative Action Forms

—> Entrepreneurship and Innovation Experiences Option Report