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To fulfill the courses requirement for the E&I minor, each student must complete fifteen (15) credits. At least six (6) of the fifteen (15) credits must be unique to the Minor. That is, they cannot be used to fulfill another university, college, or major requirement.




Complete both of the following courses (6 credits):

3 credits

Creative processes, complex problem solving and innovative entrepreneurship. Examination of successful social, cultural and corporate thinkers and creators. Activities focused on inquiry, observation, experimentation and networking for situational problem solving.

3 credits

Aspects of the entrepreneurial experience. The entrepreneurial mindset and the venture creation process. Foundation for getting a venture started, and understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.



Complete 9 credits from the following courses (9 credits):

3 credits
Basic concepts in financial and managerial accounting for non-business majors.

3 credits

Arts and cultural organization administration and management. Operations and procedures of art and humanities-based agencies. Funding and financial structures involving audience development and promotion.

3 credits

Entrepreneurial and innovation principles and solving methodologies for scientific and engineering problems in the context of health and safety. Technology design from concept to market based on consumer needs that resolves design contradictions and risks.


3 credits

Pursuing a career in arts such as theatre, film, dance, photography, and studio art. Business, financial, and marketing strategies for the individual artist.

3 credits

Arts and cultural organization administration and management. Operations and procedures of art and humanities-based agencies. Funding and financial structures involving audience development and promotion.

3 credits

Introduction to using digital spaces and social media to propel entrepreneurship ideas forward. Survey of how businesses and organizations' websites, videos, podcasts, and social media presence brand products and organizations. Website, mobile and social media presence to promote entrepreneurial idea.


3 credits

Introduction to sustainability and personal role in sustainability initiatives. Implications of individual actions for key sustainability challenges. Application of sustainability principles and leadership skills in community.


3 credits

Start-up and management of private sector, non-profit, and public organizations. Identifying and overcoming the challenges associated with the sustainable operations of small organizations.

3 credits

Engineering design process as modeled by team-based, interdisciplinary design projects. Roles of engineers and the contributions of engineering in society. Project management, and design of products and processes to specified outcomes under specified constraints. Introduction to computing tools and physical equipment in support of engineering design. Engineering ethics.


3 credits

Technical skills to enable and engage in engineering related entrepreneurship at all levels. Discovery, evaluation, and engagement of entrepreneurial opportunities starting with technology development to solve a problem, bring about desired change that is scalable, and the application of engineering principles in business related endeavors.

3 credits

Moving new concepts from idea to prototype in support of developing market value.

3 credits

Components of entrepreneurship mindset. Steps in venture creation and idea generation. Methods for opportunity analysis and voice of consumer.

3 credits

Strategies for successful entrepreneurship, customer development process, risk mitigation procedures, new product development process, adaptive execution, engaging the marketplace.


3 credits

Entrepreneurship and innovation development projects. Defining scope of work and preparing deliverables for entrepreneurial and innovation initiatives. Working with innovators to solve real world problems. Application required.

3 credits

Role of forest bioproducts in developing sustainable communities. Resource planning and availability for value added bioproducts. Bioproducts supply-chains analysis and principles of life cycle implementation.

3 credits

Food product development including obtaining, screening, and selection of ideas. Integration of food processing, chemistry, analysis, and microbiology for the design, production, and evaluation of a food product.

3 credits

Financing, valuation and sale of entrepreneurial ventures. Business plans, financing sources, financial contracting, real options, staged investments, and exit strategies.

3 credits

In-depth analysis of the law for new ventures. Laws one must follow before, during, and after creation of a company.


3 credits

Skills in ideation and innovation, discovering human needs and matching them with feasible solutions developed in accordance with the principles and practices of entrepreneurship; creating value and working towards social good by developing solutions to complex issues affecting multiple systems or populations.


3 credits

Hospitality business ownership qualities and characteristics. Thinking like an owner and resultant actions. Ownership responsibilities across all functional areas of the hospitality entrepreneur business.

3 credits

Demographic and purchase trends of perishable horticultural commodities, including landscape and floral crops, and fruits and vegetables. Market segmentation and product targeting, distribution, branding and packaging, and advertising and promotion. Services as a critical component of strategic business planning.

3 credits

Biomechanical product design with application to people or animals. Synthesis, prototyping, and analysis of designs. Project management. Market research.


3 credits

Developing and marketing innovations in journalism media that have the potential for commercial enterprise. Building blocks of entrepreneurship to know how to test markets, prototype, and develop audiences.

3 credits

Integration of physiological, genetic, economic, and production principles to develop a horticultural business plan. Management techniques. Environmental impacts of business and production practices.

3 credits

Managerial skills and processes in goal-directed institutions.


3 credits

Becoming an entrepreneur. Developing successful business ideas. Moving from an idea to an entrepreneurial firm. Managing and growing an entrepreneurial firm.

3 credits

Process of bringing media to market across multiple delivery platforms including broadcast, cable, satellite, internet and mobile devices. Industry structure of creative and distribution methods, pricing and repurposing of content. Practical and theoretical models of the behavior of media consumers.


3 credits

Entire human-centered design process, including assessing needs, forming ideas, designing a solution, building prototypes, evaluating the effectiveness of those solutions, and iterating to improve the solutions. Creation of a portfolio piece to illustrate capabilities.


3 credits

Entrepreneurship and business strategy options, with their attendant risks and opportunities, available to media firms in an industry that is being dynamically transformed by new information and communication technologies.


3 credits

Social and technological perspectives on how people collaborate using information and communication technology. Experience with using multiple collaboration platforms and analysis of differences between enabling technologies.


3 credits

Technologies, business models, and organizational and social implications of electronic commerce. Strategies for designing, managing and marketing in digital commerce contexts.


3 credits

This course will prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) in developing countries. This includes theories and case studies that link ICT and social, political, economic, and environmental change.


3 credits

Students will learn about the challenges and opportunities of implementing an information and communication technology in a developing country or underprivileged region of the United States. Students will gain hands-on experience conducting field work on location.


3 credits

Process of planning, starting, and positioning new businesses which link directly to customer requirements. Understanding unmet market opportunity due to competitive gaps or customer needs (realized or not) for both consumer and industrial products and services.


3 credits

Analytic, decision-making, and planning concepts and tools available to product managers. New product policy and development, organizational issues, and product modification and deletion.


3 credits

Practical training and experiences in design and testing of new products.


1 credit

Introduction to skills necessary for academic success in music, careers in music, entrepreneurship, and professionalism in music.

1 or 2 credits

Focus on developing business skills for those contemplating entering music as a business.

3 credits

Package development including selection, design and implementation of package systems for protection, distribution, merchandising, use and disposal.


3 credits

History, themes and issues in the intersection of religion, philanthropy, and nonprofit organizations in U.S. and global contexts.


3 credits

Social entrepreneurship, nonprofits and religious organizations in the U.S. Role of religion and religious organizations in social innovation and entrepreneurship. Social change in civil society. Business plan creation.

2 credits

Exploration of principles and processes of improvisation as they pertain to entrepreneurship and career development. Critical skills in communication, critical thinking and leadership.

3 credits

Current and emerging topics in entrepreneurship and innovation.

3 credits

Exploration of rhetorical theories applied to managing and leading communication in civic and professional organizations. Emphasis on team dynamics and on managing and leading teams and projects. Discussion of entrepreneurial thinking in professional and public writing.